Sunday, October 10, 2010

Put down the computer and be kind IRL

Today is a beautiful day. It's warm in October, the birds are chattering, squirrels are preparing for winter and pups are happy in the yard.

On these days, it's easy to forget that there are people struggling for all of the things we can take for granted. Just a few simple suggestions on how you can make someone's day:

- Handwrite a card to your grandparents, it will mean the world.
- Pay for someone's coffee.
- Smile at a stranger.
- Offer to carry an elderly person's groceries to their car.
- Tell your kids how proud you are of them.*
- Fill your bird feeders.
- Share your abundant garden.
- Kiss your significant other for just a bit longer than normal.
- Call your mother.
- Take a bouquet of garden flowers to a nursing home, and ask them to give them anonymously to a lonely resident.
- Thank a military serviceperson.
- Rake leaves for someone else.

It is the simple and inexpensive acts of kindness that the world needs. Not more words, expensive gifts of jewelry, huge showy displays or unfulfilled thoughts or promises to help someone 'later' or 'sometime.'

Get off the computer and head into real life - be a blessing to others. Your simple act of kindness may just change their day.

If you care to join me, I'm off to have coffee with a man showing his support for World Homelessness Day by just observing people go about their Sunday at Starbucks in Highland. He was a former high-powered marketing executive who has spent many nights sleeping in his car, going hungry and feeling hopeless and lonely through experiencing homelessness firsthand. Health issues compounded his experience. I plan to do as many things on my list today that my body will allow. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow.


*One of the saddest things I have ever witnessed was a former boss of mine, who had never been told by his father that he was proud of him until he was in his 30's. He came in my office with tears streaming down his face, he was so happy. No child should ever have to wait thirty years for simple words of love.

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